Sunday, September 11, 2011

Jefferson's Debated Religious Beliefs

               Although Thomas Jefferson was raised as an Anglican, his true religious beliefs were never exposed during his lifetime.  Perhaps he was unsure?  Studies of Jefferson suggest that he was a Unitarian.   Jefferson was known to contribute financially, in fair proportions, to every denomination in his town.   As a political and social leader, he felt it was best to keep his religious beliefs separate from his accomplishments.  He wished to only be known for, “authorship of the Declaration of Independence, the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom and the founding of the University of Virginia”.  Jefferson felt that if he were to reveal his beliefs, they would be people’s only concerns. 
Influenced by the Enlightenment and his interest in theology, Jefferson felt that Christianity was, "outlines of a system of the most sublime morality which has ever fallen from the lips of man”.  Though he was not officially Christian, Jefferson supported the idea of a creator; however, he seemed uncertain of what exactly he wanted to believe was true.  Jefferson valued morality and equality encouraged by religion.  He consistently supported everyone’s right to freedom of religion but felt it should be held separate from government.  Throughout his lifetime, “Jefferson left a considerable amount of writing on political and philosophical issues, as well as writing about religion, including the ‘Jefferson Bible’".  The ‘Jefferson Bible’, if anything, revealed most of what anyone knows about Jefferson’s beliefs.  Jefferson expressed clear interest in Unitarian theory.  Jefferson removed everything he considered a ‘miracle’ from the Bible, leaving only scripture for guidance.  Many historians debate Jefferson’s religious denomination; however, he was clearly closely associated with Unitarian beliefs. 

"The Religious Affiliation of Third U.S. President Thomas Jefferson". 30 Nov. 2005. <>

Belote, Thom. "Thomas Jefferson." 11 Sept. 2011

1 comment:

  1. Good! You show a good grasp of Jefferson's views and also Unitarianism. Can you even more details or quotes? Nice work.
